Our product ref1876EAN8718309823375Product typeLight BulbWeight45gDiameter50mmTotal wattage35wVoltage12vLumens1400Lamp capMR16 / GU5.3Bulb typeSpotBulb shapeSpot - 50mm / MR16 / PAR16TechnologyHalogenBeam angle36 degreesReflector typeDichroicLamp life2000 hoursColour temp.3000KDimmableYesEU Energy RatingCManufacturerSchieferMfr part #640603536
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This is product manufacturers code 640603536 by Schiefer. If you need to contact us about this product, please quote our product reference of 1876.
This energy saving MR16 bulb uses IRC (Infra Red Coating) technology to produce more light from less power.
This 35w energy saver bulb produces the same amount of light as a standard 50w halogen bulb. This results in a 30% saving of the electricity used.
This is a dichroic lamp designed to send the light forward into the room and the heat backwards to the rear of the light fitting. Please ensure that you choose the right type of lamp for your fittings. The alternative is an aluminium reflector lamp that sends the heat forward with the light. See the related products tab if this is what you need.
The bulbs has an MR16 cap, which is 2 pins that push into the lamp holder. MR16 is also known as GU5.3